February's groundhog saw his shadow and he decreed there would be six more weeks of winter! Much like the weather, the room is also changing. We say goodbye to toohot (Patti) and we thank her for her excellent job as admin for the past several months. Patti says she will be in to visit but can only admin in another room. We will miss you, Patti, not just your help in the admin department, but your company. We hope to see you often. And on a happier note, we welcome back Bobbie222, a great guy and musician from "back in the day". Bobbie is always available with a Merle tune or two and he has accepted our invite to be an admin. It is always my hope that the room will grow and the musicians get closer as the live music community on Paltalk grows stronger and stronger. Our group is really special in that we are close. We care about each other and our families. It has never been about the size of the room but all about the quality of the music. The purity of all live music, not watered down and mixed with backing tracks. This is what has mattered to me all these years. This is why I am still here when I'm 68 and in rather poor health. I still show up twice a week. I still write and update this website for the room with a newsletter, faithfully every month. I ask for nothing in return except for the friendship of this special little group of live musicians and their families. This website posts the jams and each musician is given a free page to post their songs and pics with no ads totally free. I have wanted to throw in the towel a few times when people have been ugly over the years but I kept my head and stayed true to the original effort. Hosting Musicians Live Room has been my pleasure and I will always do as much as I can for those who are true to all live music. On a personal note, Shawn lost his Dad this past month. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. We never get over the loss of our parents.
Keep your eyes open for news of an ALL STAR JAM in Musicians Live Room. In the planning stage so far but will likely be a Saturday night featuring my favorite musicians doing small sets.
Watch for upcoming news!